
Why rely on Tecno Minuterie


Tecno Minuterie for more than thirty years, offers items with unusual effects for fashion with an original touch.

Quality and innovation

Our products are characterized by very high quality standards and great attention to detail.

Reliability and accuracy

Tecno Minuterie is now the reference partner in Italy and abroad in the world of footwear and fashion accessories.

Tecno Minuterie

Fashion details makers


When detail makes a difference. Tecno Minuterie, a Padua-based company with more than 30 years of experience in the production of small metal parts and mold making, always striving for innovation through the continuous evolution of technologies and organizational systems.

New developments in cold molding

  Specializing in the production of punched metal small parts, Tecno Minuterie in recent years has diversified some lines by developing a new processing in the area of cold stamping, which has brought customers advantages such as cost savings and speed of execution.

Controlled and certified products


Everything produced by Tecno Minuterie is documentable and subject to the strictest controls: each loggo is traceable, raw materials such as iron, brass, copper and stainless steel are certified, and each product is accompanied by relevant data sheets.

Where we are

Via Meucci, 18 – 35030 in Caselle di Selvazzano Dentro, Padova (Italy)


Come visit us, we are sure we can help you find the right solution for your product, your production or your customer.

Our strength has always been in our ability to apply our experience in designing and manufacturing fashion and footwear accessories to finding the perfect solution to solve technical problems in production or application… or quite simply, help you make your production even more competitive.

Tecno Minuterie Group